Show and tell time:

I baked bread for the first time ever! It was soooo yummy!

I made this cat tunnel from Amy Butler's In Stitches out of old towels and pillow cases. Faith had some major dental work done, so I thought I'd make her something to get better in. Surprisingly, both cats like it a lot and Raine hogs it all the time. Of course, they just lay on top of it.

This was supposed to be a laptop cover, but it didn't work out. It's now the cats.

I tried again making a laptop, this time using felt. It's not perfect, but it's working right now. Oh yeah, I named my laptop Sprout.

I made biscuits for the second time and they came out even better. Mmmm.

I got the Sublime Stitching kit and learned how to embroider. Fun!

Took a bunch of old shirts and started making a shirt quilt/blanket. I cut my finger kind of bad, so the blanket's on hold till next week.

There was so much left over shirt scraps, that I made pillow for the cats. Mainly for Raine since he took over Faith's tunnel. I even did some embroidery of my own drawing. This pillow came out so well!! Also, this is the reason I hurt my finger: P
And of course I opened my own Etsy shop.
And started Illustration Fridays.

Go me!
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