Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A new friend!

Originally uploaded by Suzy Cat
Rob and I have been watching Three Sheets* and decided we need our own monkey to drink with!

So I crocheted this guy from Mr. Funky's Super Crochet Wonderful. I think he came out faboo, seeing how I'm still new at crocheting. I gave him some tube socks for some flare and I'm planning on making him a shirt too. We named him Charlie: )

*if you haven't already, you gotta check out three sheets. where zane goes traveling around the the world drinking the local booze and learning the drinking customs and their hangover cures. it's so awesome and funny. and how can you not love pleepleeus?! itunes has a few episodes for free!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Let's Fly Away

Originally uploaded by Suzy Cat
First off, this is the first time I'm using Flickr to make a blog post, let's hope it works all right: )

Anyways! Here's my latest project! I embroidered a portrait of Amelia Earhart on an old book bag of mine that I'll be using on our various trips coming up. I'm so extremely proud of this one since it took planning, deconstructing of the bag, sewing and lots of time and it turned out almost exactly how I imagined it!

I hope to try out embroidering Amelia again on lighter fabric and a couple color changes, so stay tuned for that in the future.

As far as trips? Rob and I are going to North Carolina with his parents at the end of May. Then I'll be heading to California by myself to visit my parents in June. And I know me and Rob are going to try going other places during the summer. Sweet.