Christmas came early to the Biddiscombe house this past weekend! Rob and I adopted a dog!!
Rob and I are real huge dog lovers that been wanting a dog for a long long time. With Raine gone, Rob felt bummed out that he no longer had a buddy since Raine bonded with him the most. After much talking, we decided that we could handle a dog in the apartment as long at it met certain requirements (sizes, good with cats...)
We found Molly through She came from Cedar Farms, which is an awesome small rescue owned by a great and smart man Tony and his wife. We met last Saturday, fell in love and then Tony took her to our house and made sure we got a good place and he taught us lots of stuff, which is so important. Thankfully we already knew and understood a lot of what he talked about from watching Dog Whisperer; )
Molly is the greatest dog. It amazes me how wonderful she is. She's quite, friendly, well mannered, good on a leash, doesn't make a peep in her crate, potty trained and so much more. We need to work on commands a bit, but that's ok and it's fun for me. She loves to get hugs and have you hold her and she's just so appreciative of what you do for her. She doesn't seem to mind Faith, but Faith is still very scared of her. Makes me sad, but with a lot of love and patience and discipline, we'll all be sitting together as one big happy family.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Weekend at Asheville
Rob and I celebrated our wedding anniversary this past weekend by going to Asheville, NC. The drive up was a little scary at times since it was pouring rain and foggy. But all that hard work payed off when we got to our bed and breakfast and then of course, dinner that night.
We stayed at the lovely Asheville Seasons bed and breakfast. Our room we stayed in was called the Leaf Peeper and it was decorated all autumnish. It was so big and so nice and it over looked a beautiful quiet neighborhood with big trees and falling leaves. Our hosts were very nice and made such yummy breakfast. They even made me a special breakfast on Saturday because I told them I'm lactose intolerant. We are so coming back to stay there when we're looking to get away to Asheville.
Here's Rob enjoying the fireplace in our room:

For dinner on Friday we ate at Barley's Taproom and Pizzeria. Rob wanted to go there for their big selection of beers. We had soy cheese pizza with beefalo, sun dried tomato on beer dough. Fun place, good beers. Oh! And for dessert I got some cupcakes at a bakery down the street. (they were good, but not as good as the ones rob got earlier that week)
Saturday we headed to the big farmers market in Asheville. We bought pumpkins for Halloween, bell peppers, tomatoes and apples. It was a pretty big place, but a little confusing because it's all open and there's lots of lots with people selling their produce. Either way, I went and *bing* that's another thing crossed off my list! The veggies turned out yummy as I've used them for dinners this week.
Here's me under a maple tree at the farmers market:

After that we walked around downtown Asheville for a bit looking at all the cool shops. Asheville is one of our favorite cities and plan on coming here often. We totally love the vibe and the art and shop and everything! Heh. We saw dogs dressed up for the Halloween doggy festival, it was too funny. For lunch we ate at the Mellow Mushroom where we had a tempeh sandwich. Very good!
That evening we went on a Brews Cruise. You go with a host and a group of other people in a big van and you get to visit some of the local beer breweries in Asheville. Rob's brewing his own beer right now and thought it be real neat to visit actual breweries since he's never done it before. Our first stop was Highland Brewery, a fast expanding microbrewery. We got to see all the vats where they do their magic, learn about the process and of course sample a LOT of beer. And as an added bonus, a black bear decided to take a stroll right outside where we were! Our next stop was French Broad Brewery, a smaller brewery that's becoming a fast hit around here. They specialize in cold brewing like ales and lagers. I really enjoyed their beer. They also have a bar next door in the warehouse where you can listen to live music. Animal we saw there: super cool dog that loved belly rubs. We made a quick stop to Bruisin' Ales, a beer shop with a wide variety of beers, including some Rob said is hard to find. Rob got a bottle of special Flying Dog beer and shampoo made from Doghead Fish beer ingredients. Last stop was Asheville Pizza and Brew for more beer and food. We ordered pizza again, this time with wheat crust, yay. Their beer was all right, but ask Rob...and he'll say he enjoyed it too much, heh. We'd definitely do it again and bring friends along with us. They also tour other breweries, so it's not always the same. The tour guides are super nice and make the tour fun. Check it out, if you ever find yourself with nothing to do in Asheville.
Here's Rob at Highland Brewery:

Sunday, after a breakfast of delicious sweet potato pancakes, we sadly packed up and headed home. The drive was so beautiful since it was nice and sunny out and we were able to see all the changing trees. And for lunch, we had leftover pizza from the past two days, hee hee. I think we're all pizzaed out for a bit now.
We stayed at the lovely Asheville Seasons bed and breakfast. Our room we stayed in was called the Leaf Peeper and it was decorated all autumnish. It was so big and so nice and it over looked a beautiful quiet neighborhood with big trees and falling leaves. Our hosts were very nice and made such yummy breakfast. They even made me a special breakfast on Saturday because I told them I'm lactose intolerant. We are so coming back to stay there when we're looking to get away to Asheville.
Here's Rob enjoying the fireplace in our room:

For dinner on Friday we ate at Barley's Taproom and Pizzeria. Rob wanted to go there for their big selection of beers. We had soy cheese pizza with beefalo, sun dried tomato on beer dough. Fun place, good beers. Oh! And for dessert I got some cupcakes at a bakery down the street. (they were good, but not as good as the ones rob got earlier that week)
Saturday we headed to the big farmers market in Asheville. We bought pumpkins for Halloween, bell peppers, tomatoes and apples. It was a pretty big place, but a little confusing because it's all open and there's lots of lots with people selling their produce. Either way, I went and *bing* that's another thing crossed off my list! The veggies turned out yummy as I've used them for dinners this week.
Here's me under a maple tree at the farmers market:

After that we walked around downtown Asheville for a bit looking at all the cool shops. Asheville is one of our favorite cities and plan on coming here often. We totally love the vibe and the art and shop and everything! Heh. We saw dogs dressed up for the Halloween doggy festival, it was too funny. For lunch we ate at the Mellow Mushroom where we had a tempeh sandwich. Very good!
That evening we went on a Brews Cruise. You go with a host and a group of other people in a big van and you get to visit some of the local beer breweries in Asheville. Rob's brewing his own beer right now and thought it be real neat to visit actual breweries since he's never done it before. Our first stop was Highland Brewery, a fast expanding microbrewery. We got to see all the vats where they do their magic, learn about the process and of course sample a LOT of beer. And as an added bonus, a black bear decided to take a stroll right outside where we were! Our next stop was French Broad Brewery, a smaller brewery that's becoming a fast hit around here. They specialize in cold brewing like ales and lagers. I really enjoyed their beer. They also have a bar next door in the warehouse where you can listen to live music. Animal we saw there: super cool dog that loved belly rubs. We made a quick stop to Bruisin' Ales, a beer shop with a wide variety of beers, including some Rob said is hard to find. Rob got a bottle of special Flying Dog beer and shampoo made from Doghead Fish beer ingredients. Last stop was Asheville Pizza and Brew for more beer and food. We ordered pizza again, this time with wheat crust, yay. Their beer was all right, but ask Rob...and he'll say he enjoyed it too much, heh. We'd definitely do it again and bring friends along with us. They also tour other breweries, so it's not always the same. The tour guides are super nice and make the tour fun. Check it out, if you ever find yourself with nothing to do in Asheville.
Here's Rob at Highland Brewery:

Sunday, after a breakfast of delicious sweet potato pancakes, we sadly packed up and headed home. The drive was so beautiful since it was nice and sunny out and we were able to see all the changing trees. And for lunch, we had leftover pizza from the past two days, hee hee. I think we're all pizzaed out for a bit now.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Happy 2 Years!
Happy Anniversary Rob!

It's been a crazy 2 years! I can't wait to see what the other years bring us. Love ya!

It's been a crazy 2 years! I can't wait to see what the other years bring us. Love ya!
Monday, October 20, 2008

It's been somewhat of a sad weekend for us this past week. We unfortunately gave Raine back to the shelter I adopted him from.
If you know us personally, then you know about Raine and his problem. Ever since I got him, he's been spraying on our furniture and clothes. Rob moving in was the worst, he got anything and everything and we cleaned it all up and threw away what couldn't be cleaned. After that, he was so good. Then when we moved to New York it started getting bad again after a couple months of moving. Then came the time when he peed on the bed while I was actually sleeping in it. It was stressful, we did all we could....and believe me, we did. We've spent so much money on cleaning supplies, Feilaway, books, blankets and such that were ruined, extra litter boxes and more. Warning people to put away their stuff and close the doors when they came over. But we sucked it up and dealt with it. After moving to North Carolina, all was ok until a month later he started again and we knew that this was never going to stop. We worried about when we got a house and all the new furniture we'd have to get and if he'd ruin that. We worried about when we have kids if he'll spray on their things. It all caused me so much stress and it obviously caused Raine stress too. Him and Faith were not getting along either, he was too bossy and too hyper for her. I felt bad, because he wants to play, but she doesn't like that. There so much more to it, but in the end...we decided for all of us if we took Raine back. I wanted to do it right and so I flew with Raine back to Arizona to the shelter I adopted him from. AAWL is a wonderful shelter who treats their animals so good and really focus on behavioral issues and I volunteered there, so I know really how it is. I didn't want to take him to just any place. Yeah, it was expensive, but he deserves it. And I hope that someone will adopt him a single guy or someone with an equally playful cat. It breaks my heart because I swore I'd never give an another animal way, but we know it's the right thing to do.
So Raine...thank you for all the licks you gave us, for the way you spread yourself out like a rug when you napped, your orange little nose, they way you begged for pieces of meat when we made our sandwiches, and just for being our big silly boy. We love you!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Rob and Suzy do NASCAR
This past weekend me and Suzy went to the Bank of America 500. IT WAS AWESOME. When we originally moved down to NC people were always joking about something like this - hell Plaid even bought be a bunch of NASCAR® merchandise as part of my going away package. We originally went for some tailgating to go meet some friends from AZ who were in town visiting some family but it turned out we were able to get some tickets for 10 bucks a piece (originally they went for $80). As you can see from the video were were pretty excited to be there but the video doesn't do the experience justice. You need to go and see for yourself how fast and loud these cars are!! I promise you'll have as much fun as we did.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Update on the List
It's been a while since anything was posted. We've been busy getting settled, job searching, camping and a visit from the in-laws.
Things are some what normal now. Rob got a job, the apartment is unpacked, we have our plants and Rob's car, back. We even had visits from a few friends, 2 who live here in NC. No job for me yet, but I have a feeling things should be getting better soon: )
I have managed to get a few things on my 28 Things List
I mentioned before that we went to Ashville, NC for the Bele Chere Festival. Someplace brand new for me!

We went camping a few weeks ago at Marrow Mountain. It was a lot of fun and hope to go many more times.

And what's camping without hiking? We went on one trail that led us to the river near by. On the way we saw dung beetles, lizards toads and even a deer with her fawn!

Also, I found this website where you can list up to 43 things you want to do. So, I put up my list there and I'll add a few more things that I want to do. 43 Things
Things are some what normal now. Rob got a job, the apartment is unpacked, we have our plants and Rob's car, back. We even had visits from a few friends, 2 who live here in NC. No job for me yet, but I have a feeling things should be getting better soon: )
I have managed to get a few things on my 28 Things List
I mentioned before that we went to Ashville, NC for the Bele Chere Festival. Someplace brand new for me!

We went camping a few weeks ago at Marrow Mountain. It was a lot of fun and hope to go many more times.

And what's camping without hiking? We went on one trail that led us to the river near by. On the way we saw dung beetles, lizards toads and even a deer with her fawn!

Also, I found this website where you can list up to 43 things you want to do. So, I put up my list there and I'll add a few more things that I want to do. 43 Things
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hello North Carolina!
Well things have finally died down to a semi normal state for us! We're finally here in North Carolina. It was a bumpy ride, leaving at 3am with 2 freaked out cats who pooed and meowed most of the drive down. I did give them Richard's Organic Pet Calm, the first does didn't work well, but it's understandable because they we're just too freak out. The second dose worked wonders!! Barely a peep. I continue to give it to them with all the people coming in and out of the apt. But we made it and couldn't be happier.
The apartment is fantastic! One of my favorite features is the big window that lets tons of light in. It's always bright in here and lifts up my spirits: ) And we all enjoy the balcony, just sitting and relaxing out in the fresh air. We managed to get everything unloaded off the pod in a few hours, but are still unpacking, figuring out where to put all of our stuff. I hope by the end of this week the apartment is all unpacked and there's no boxes or piles of junk around.
In the middle of all this, Rob insisted we go to Asheville for the Bele Chere Festival. He went last year with Plaid Nation and loved it. And since we're so close to it this year (just 2 hours) he felt that we couldn't pass it up. I had a wonderful time in Asheville and enjoyed the festival a lot. It was nice to see the kind of arts and crafts they have down here. I want to go again when we have a house and buy things for it. We ate at the Laughing Seed twice for lunch and dinner! Veggie food never tasted so good!! They also have awesome mixed drinks and beer. Oh and the drive to Asheville was so lovely! We drove through some mountains that loomed like giants in the fog. And we pass by lots of open grass and farms, something I don't see enough of. We plan to go back to Asheville in Oct and stay at a B&B for our anniversary, I can't wait.
Other than that, things are good. We're not running to the stores all day spending tons of money on those small, but necessary things. Nor eating out, but cooking actual meals. Today I'm going to start exercising again so I don't become fat lazy Suzy. Job hunting is...going, but we're confident that at least Rob will have a job within a few weeks. I'm crafting a little bit too. I just started loom knitting and am going to make a blanket. I can't wait to start embroidering and sewing again!
The apartment is fantastic! One of my favorite features is the big window that lets tons of light in. It's always bright in here and lifts up my spirits: ) And we all enjoy the balcony, just sitting and relaxing out in the fresh air. We managed to get everything unloaded off the pod in a few hours, but are still unpacking, figuring out where to put all of our stuff. I hope by the end of this week the apartment is all unpacked and there's no boxes or piles of junk around.
In the middle of all this, Rob insisted we go to Asheville for the Bele Chere Festival. He went last year with Plaid Nation and loved it. And since we're so close to it this year (just 2 hours) he felt that we couldn't pass it up. I had a wonderful time in Asheville and enjoyed the festival a lot. It was nice to see the kind of arts and crafts they have down here. I want to go again when we have a house and buy things for it. We ate at the Laughing Seed twice for lunch and dinner! Veggie food never tasted so good!! They also have awesome mixed drinks and beer. Oh and the drive to Asheville was so lovely! We drove through some mountains that loomed like giants in the fog. And we pass by lots of open grass and farms, something I don't see enough of. We plan to go back to Asheville in Oct and stay at a B&B for our anniversary, I can't wait.
Other than that, things are good. We're not running to the stores all day spending tons of money on those small, but necessary things. Nor eating out, but cooking actual meals. Today I'm going to start exercising again so I don't become fat lazy Suzy. Job hunting is...going, but we're confident that at least Rob will have a job within a few weeks. I'm crafting a little bit too. I just started loom knitting and am going to make a blanket. I can't wait to start embroidering and sewing again!
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