It's been somewhat of a sad weekend for us this past week. We unfortunately gave Raine back to the shelter I adopted him from.
If you know us personally, then you know about Raine and his problem. Ever since I got him, he's been spraying on our furniture and clothes. Rob moving in was the worst, he got anything and everything and we cleaned it all up and threw away what couldn't be cleaned. After that, he was so good. Then when we moved to New York it started getting bad again after a couple months of moving. Then came the time when he peed on the bed while I was actually sleeping in it. It was stressful, we did all we could....and believe me, we did. We've spent so much money on cleaning supplies, Feilaway, books, blankets and such that were ruined, extra litter boxes and more. Warning people to put away their stuff and close the doors when they came over. But we sucked it up and dealt with it. After moving to North Carolina, all was ok until a month later he started again and we knew that this was never going to stop. We worried about when we got a house and all the new furniture we'd have to get and if he'd ruin that. We worried about when we have kids if he'll spray on their things. It all caused me so much stress and it obviously caused Raine stress too. Him and Faith were not getting along either, he was too bossy and too hyper for her. I felt bad, because he wants to play, but she doesn't like that. There so much more to it, but in the end...we decided for all of us if we took Raine back. I wanted to do it right and so I flew with Raine back to Arizona to the shelter I adopted him from. AAWL is a wonderful shelter who treats their animals so good and really focus on behavioral issues and I volunteered there, so I know really how it is. I didn't want to take him to just any place. Yeah, it was expensive, but he deserves it. And I hope that someone will adopt him soon...like a single guy or someone with an equally playful cat. It breaks my heart because I swore I'd never give an another animal way, but we know it's the right thing to do.
So Raine...thank you for all the licks you gave us, for the way you spread yourself out like a rug when you napped, your orange little nose, they way you begged for pieces of meat when we made our sandwiches, and just for being our big silly boy. We love you!
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