Friday, July 11, 2008

Run Rob Run!

Originally uploaded by Suzy Cat
This past 4th of July Rob ran his first race with some of the guys at work. He did his personal best and can't wait to do another race!

Ever since Rob quit smoking little over 2 yrs ago, he's been running. Back then he struggled with 2 miles on the tread mil and now he's running outside for like 5-7 miles at time. I'm so proud of him and he's a huge inspiration to me. I recently started running and I hope to be as good as him and sign up for a couple races myself.

You're awesome Rob! (heh)

The move is almost upon us and we're heading down to NC to find an apartment. Then on the 21st, we say good-bye to New York and head to our new home in North Carolina!


Jenn Maruska said...

Yay for you and Rob!

And I hope your move goes well. Wishing you an easy trip and a lovely new home : )

Sarah said...

Woo-Hoo! I WISH I could run 5-7 miles!

Good luck with the move and blessings on the new home.