That right there is my iMac giving my new MacBook friendly advice (transferring) on how to be a good computer.
Yup, I got my own laptop way sooner than expected! Rob's friend said he'd buy my iMac, yay! I know my iMac will be in good hands: )
We went out to the Apple Store today and picked up the middle version MacBook for me. And after a few hours or transferring and updating, I'm getting to know my new friend. What a wonderful friend indeed! The screen resolution is perfect and I can actually look at things, the two finger scrolling is fantastic, and its speed is awesome. I have yet to get lazy and sit on the couch with it, but tomorrow I'll have plenty of time. I'm so excited and even a little overwhelmed. I don't often make huge purchases for myself and lately not even small purchases since we've been trying to save our money...so I almost feel guilty. But, this is my only computer now and will be for a long time. I hope to have it as long as I had my last laptop.
I don't have a name for my MacBook yet. It will come to me as I get to know it better.
In other news, I have the next two weeks off from work. We just finished two big catalogs, so there's no work at the moment. I don't get paid though, oh well. I'm excited to spend this free time relaxing, crafting, cooking new things, playing more Mario Galaxy. I see it as a restart, to get things back on track, since lately I've been a lazy sack. I also need to take Faith for some major dental work, which I'm sure she'll be mad at me for, but in the end she'll feel better.
Maybe me and Faith can runaway to Paris for a bit.

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